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Land Cruiser Prado
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Toyota Land Cruiser Prado 1999

81,840 milesAutomatic4WD2,700 cc
ABS Airbag+ 3 more

Car price

US $32,174

Total price (C&F)

US $36,049

Toyota Land Cruiser Prado 1999

93,620 milesAutomatic4WD2,700 cc
ABS Airbag+ 1 more

Car price

US $25,563

Total price (C&F)

US $29,438

Toyota Land Cruiser Prado 1999

98,580 milesAutomatic4WD2,700 cc
Airbag Alloy Wheels+ 4 more

Car price

US $21,038

Total price (C&F)

US $24,913

Toyota Land Cruiser Prado 1999

71,920 milesAutomatic4WD2,700 cc
ABS Airbag+ 2 more

Car price

US $23,031

Total price (C&F)

US $26,906

Toyota Land Cruiser Prado 1999

71,920 milesAutomatic4WD2,700 cc
ABS Alloy Wheels

Car price

US $21,435

Total price (C&F)

US $25,310

Toyota Land Cruiser Prado 1999

26,660 milesAutomatic4WD2,700 cc
A/C ABS+ 13 more

Car price

US $22,488

Total price (C&F)

US $26,207

Toyota Land Cruiser Prado 1999

84,320 milesAutomatic4WD3,400 cc
ABS Airbag+ 6 more

Car price

US $15,296

Total price (C&F)

US $19,171

Toyota Land Cruiser Prado 1999

54,560 milesAutomatic4WD2,700 cc
ABS Airbag+ 2 more

Car price

US $18,126

Total price (C&F)

US $22,001

Toyota Land Cruiser Prado 1999

60,760 milesAutomatic4WD2,700 cc
Airbag Alloy Wheels+ 5 more

Car price

US $17,290

Total price (C&F)

US $21,165

Toyota Land Cruiser Prado 1999

118,420 milesAutomatic-3,000 cc
ABS Airbag+ 3 more

Car price

US $12,821

Total price (C&F)

US $16,696

Toyota Land Cruiser Prado 1999

72,540 milesAutomatic-2,700 cc
ABS Airbag+ 2 more

Car price

US $17,298

Total price (C&F)

US $21,173

Toyota Land Cruiser Prado 1999

150,350 milesAutomatic4WD3,400 cc
A/C ABS+ 11 more

Car price

US $4,300

Total price (C&F)

US $8,924

Toyota Land Cruiser Prado 1999

78,120 milesAutomatic4WD2,700 cc
ABS Airbag+ 6 more

Car price

US $13,160

Total price (C&F)

US $17,035

Toyota Land Cruiser Prado 1999

125,860 milesAutomatic4WD3,400 cc
ABS Airbag+ 1 more

Car price

US $6,155

Total price (C&F)

US $10,030

Toyota Land Cruiser Prado 1999

125,707.48 milesAutomatic4WD3,400 cc
A/C ABS+ 7 more

Car price

US $5,151

Total price (C&F)

US $8,953

Toyota Land Cruiser Prado 1999

78,120 milesAutomatic4WD2,700 cc
A/C ABS+ 6 more

Car price

US $13,193

Total price (C&F)

US $17,068

Toyota Land Cruiser Prado 1999

89,280 milesAutomatic4WD2,700 cc
A/C ABS+ 6 more

Car price

US $15,215

Total price (C&F)

US $19,090
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FAQ about Toyota Land Cruiser Prado 1999

How much does a used Toyota Land Cruiser Prado 1999 cost?
The price of Toyota Land Cruiser Prado 1999 ranges from $4,833 to $24,855. This doesn’t include the shipping cost to your port.
How to import Toyota Land Cruiser Prado 1999 from Japan to the USA?
You can follow these easy steps to purchase a Toyota Land Cruiser Prado 1999 from JDM Export and have it imported to your port in the USA.
What are the import taxes for used cars in the USA?
You should expect to pay 2.5% for a passenger car, and 25% for a truck as the tax of foreign-made vehicles imported to the U.S. This is calculated based on the vehicle price.

User reviews on Toyota Land Cruiser Prado 1999

Ginger Snaps avatar
Ginger SnapsflagUSA
Verified Buyer
Hi Ken, Thank you thank you thank you! Very happy, it runs beautiful! I've been doing the mail route with it! So pleased. On the coast and in the mountains! Oregon! I have shared you company with all my "mail route drivers". They are also impressed w... See more
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Ginger Snaps avatar
Ginger SnapsflagUSA
Verified Buyer
Hi Ken, Once again i picked up the rig this morning! Thank you for answering all my questions, and getting things in order especially after all 3 typhoons this season. Ginger
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Jarrod Frakes avatar
Jarrod FrakesflagUSA
Verified Buyer
Hi Ami! The car is here! Thank you, I am so excited.
Yan Carlos Burgos Diaz avatar
Yan Carlos Burgos DiazflagUSA
Verified Buyer
I picked up the vehicle from the port last Friday and got it registered already. Thank you for the easy transaction and hopefully we will do it again.
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Joel Goldberg avatar
Joel GoldbergflagUSA
Verified Buyer
Hi Ken, Just wanted to let you know - It was easier for me to replace the cross bars on my own then try to open a case with the shipping company. I recently had it at the shop to put new suspension, as well as some fine tuning all around. It will n... See more
After Delivery Pictures
Barry Yan avatar
Barry YanflagUSA
Verified Buyer
very good communication, highly recommend.
Hernan avatar
Verified Buyer
Ok. Good
Nicholas Charles avatar
Nicholas CharlesflagUSA
Verified Buyer
Communication has been great. I am still looking for the right vehicle for purchase :)
Nicholas Charles  avatar
Nicholas Charles flagUSA
Verified Buyer
Great experience so far. Austin responds promptly and helps inform me on my inquiries. Nick
Hogan Herritage avatar
Hogan HerritageflagUSA
Verified Buyer
Helpful for getting a sense of the costs. Still thinking about pulling the trigger on a purchase
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