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Sambar Truck
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Subaru Sambar Truck 1998

53,940 milesManual4WD660 cc
Power Steering 4WD+ 2 more

Car price

US $3,228

Total price (C&F)

US $5,233

Subaru Sambar Truck 1998

27,900 milesManual4WD660 cc
4WD 5-Speed Manual

Car price

US $2,433

Total price (C&F)

US $4,234

Subaru Sambar Truck 1998

82,460 milesAutomatic4WD660 cc

Car price

US $2,866

Total price (C&F)

US $5,201

Subaru Sambar Truck 1998

58,342 milesManual4WD660 cc
A/C AM/FM+ 1 more

Subaru Sambar Truck 1998

11,755.2 milesAutomatic4WD660 cc

Subaru Sambar Truck 1998

62,755.159,999,999,996 milesManual4WD660 cc
A/C AM/FM+ 3 more

Subaru Sambar Truck 1998

37,355 milesManual4WD660 cc

Subaru Sambar Truck 1998

46,500 milesManual4WD660 cc
A/C Alloy Wheels+ 3 more

Subaru Sambar Truck 1998

4,340 milesManual4WD660 cc

Subaru Sambar Truck 1998

30,380 milesManual4WD660 cc
4WD 5-Speed Manual
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FAQ about Subaru Sambar Truck 1998

How much does a used Subaru Sambar Truck 1998 cost?
The price of Subaru Sambar Truck 1998 ranges from $2,130 to $5,848. This doesn’t include the shipping cost to your port.
How to import Subaru Sambar Truck 1998 from Japan to the USA?
You can follow these easy steps to purchase a Subaru Sambar Truck 1998 from JDM Export and have it imported to your port in the USA.
What are the import taxes for used cars in the USA?
You should expect to pay 2.5% for a passenger car, and 25% for a truck as the tax of foreign-made vehicles imported to the U.S. This is calculated based on the vehicle price.

User reviews on Subaru Sambar Truck 1998

Dustin Guadalupe Cueva avatar
Dustin Guadalupe CuevaflagUSA
Verified Buyer
Thank you ! I Love my truck ! A lot of fun and new adventures!! Aloha from Hawaii!
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Jesse crane  avatar
Jesse crane flagUSA
Verified Buyer
Great customer service
Mark T Branchaud avatar
Mark T BranchaudflagUSA
Verified Buyer
Thanku Mr Ken. My 1995 Subaru sambar dump is insured registered and i received mass title today which makes our transaction smooth and complete Thanku so much I recomend you always Mark T Branchaud
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Jesse Crane avatar
Jesse CraneflagUSA
Verified Buyer
Matthew Condie avatar
Matthew CondieflagUSA
Verified Buyer
Everything was smooth until I picked up the truck. It did not start and needed new spark plugs.
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Anton Pitchko avatar
Anton PitchkoflagUSA
Verified Buyer
Very happy with my purchase, will buy a car from you again.
Pedro J. Melendez-Flores avatar
Pedro J. Melendez-FloresflagUSA
Verified Buyer
Thanks for your support and services. Looking forward to future deals. Pedro Melendez
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Chris DeBardlebon avatar
Chris DeBardlebonflagUSA
Verified Buyer
Very good service. Kenji is very good to work with.
Frank Benedetto  avatar
Frank Benedetto flagUSA
Verified Buyer
Good day Mr Austin I did receive the truck and everything is actually better than I expected and your company has been very helpful and responded to all of my questions in a timely manner and I would definitely recommend you to anyone who has an inte... See more
Mark Gill avatar
Mark GillflagUSA
Verified Buyer
Dear Jun My truck is at the port and I'm working with a broker to get it home. I have filled out all of the paperwork. Thank you for all of your help. Mark
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