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Nissan Skyline 1998

119,040 milesManual4WD2,600 cc
A/C ABS+ 5 more

Car price

US $69,923

Total price (C&F)

US $71,026

Nissan Skyline 1998

70,680 milesManual4WD2,600 cc
ABS Airbag+ 6 more

Car price

US $59,232

Total price (C&F)

US $61,934

Nissan Skyline 1998

52,080 milesManual4WD2,600 cc
A/C ABS+ 15 more

Car price

US $78,341

Total price (C&F)

US $81,776

Nissan Skyline 1998

90,892 milesManual-2,500 cc
A/C Alloy Wheels+ 1 more

Car price

US $33,528

Total price (C&F)

US $36,303

Nissan Skyline 1998

97,340 milesManual2WD2,500 cc
A/C Aero Parts+ 9 more

Car price

US $23,603

Total price (C&F)

US $26,090

Nissan Skyline 1998

66,340 milesManual-2,500 cc
ABS Power Steering+ 1 more

Car price

US $45,838

Total price (C&F)

US $49,273

Nissan Skyline 1998

73,160 milesManual-2,500 cc
ABS Airbag+ 3 more

Car price

US $27,529

Total price (C&F)

US $30,964

Nissan Skyline 1998

75,020 milesManual-2,500 cc
ABS Airbag+ 5 more

Car price

US $29,032

Total price (C&F)

US $32,467

Nissan Skyline 1998

94,116 milesManual-2,500 cc
A/C ABS+ 5 more

Car price

US $41,846

Total price (C&F)

US $44,430

Nissan Skyline 1998

78,120 milesAutomatic2WD2,500 cc
A/C ABS+ 8 more

Car price

US $22,163

Total price (C&F)

US $24,747

Nissan Skyline 1998

49,600 milesAutomatic2WD2,500 cc
A/C ABS+ 13 more

Car price

US $27,127

Total price (C&F)

US $29,711

Nissan Skyline 1998

89,280 milesManual-2,500 cc
ABS Power Steering+ 1 more

Car price

US $22,784

Total price (C&F)

US $25,559

Nissan Skyline 1998

97,340 milesManual-2,500 cc
Airbag Power Steering+ 1 more

Car price

US $20,539

Total price (C&F)

US $23,974

Nissan Skyline 1998

83,080 milesAutomatic-2,500 cc
ABS Airbag+ 2 more

Car price

US $21,381

Total price (C&F)

US $24,816

Nissan Skyline 1998

- milesManual2WD2,500 cc
A/C ABS+ 11 more

Car price

US $27,147

Total price (C&F)

US $29,731

Nissan Skyline 1998

112,964 milesManual-2,000 cc
A/C ABS+ 3 more

Car price

US $9,206

Total price (C&F)

US $12,641

Nissan Skyline 1998

42,160 milesManual-2,500 cc
ABS Airbag+ 4 more

Car price

US $20,968

Total price (C&F)

US $24,403

Nissan Skyline 1998

- milesManual-2,500 cc
A/C Aero Parts+ 15 more

Car price

US $21,023

Total price (C&F)

US $24,458

Nissan Skyline 1998

- milesManual-2,500 cc
A/C ABS+ 15 more

Car price

US $18,753

Total price (C&F)

US $22,188

Nissan Skyline 1998

6,200 milesAutomatic-2,500 cc
ABS Airbag+ 6 more

Car price

US $24,269

Total price (C&F)

US $27,704
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Welcome to JDM Export, where the used Nissan Skyline 1998 for sale in USA is waiting for you. Join us now to make your dream of owning a JDM car come true.

With thousands of cars available at a time on, the Nissan Skyline 1998 for sale that you have been looking for is now at the palm of your hand. Our website is truly user-friendly, which makes the process of filtering, comparing and searching for items seem so effortless. That valuable unit with unique options and reasonable price tag is now in our inventory, waiting for you to uncover.

You might question why buying a car directly from Japan is worth your consideration. There are two main reasons:

  • For vehicles from our Japanese dealers, the advantage is the unbeatable cost of Nissan Skyline 1998. Sourced directly from Japanese auctions and end-users, our inventory can easily beat the US local dealers in terms of quality & prices.
  • Secondly, importing JDM cars for sale into the US is surprisingly simple. As long as the car passes the 25-year rule, old Nissan Skyline 1998 for sale in USA can be legally imported with our provided documents. Do make sure to read through all the importing process from the US Customs website or talk to a local professional broker so as to have a smooth car clearing & registration.

Come to us and you will find out importing JDM cars for sale has never been easier. JDM Export will fulfil your love for these Japanese beauties with a peace of mind

FAQ about Nissan Skyline 1998

How much does a used Nissan Skyline 1998 cost?
The price of Nissan Skyline 1998 ranges from $15,910 to $85,502. This doesn’t include the shipping cost to your port.
How to import Nissan Skyline 1998 from Japan to the USA?
You can follow these easy steps to purchase a Nissan Skyline 1998 from JDM Export and have it imported to your port in the USA.
What are the import taxes for used cars in the USA?
You should expect to pay 2.5% for a passenger car, and 25% for a truck as the tax of foreign-made vehicles imported to the U.S. This is calculated based on the vehicle price.

User reviews on Nissan Skyline 1998

harley higbie avatar
harley higbieflagUSA
Verified Buyer
I now have the car at my home in Arizona! thank you
After Delivery Pictures
Stanley Long avatar
Stanley LongflagUSA
Verified Buyer
Will buy from here again ms jun is the best
Matthew DiPersio avatar
Matthew DiPersioflagUSA
Verified Buyer
I’ll have a really good time driving this. Thanks so much again
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 Javier Moreira avatar
Javier MoreiraflagUSA
Verified Buyer
Hello Jun just want to confirm I have received the car thank you for the help
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Adam Simon avatar
Adam SimonflagUSA
Verified Buyer
A friend of mine has the skyline now. It’s needed some work but that’s to be expected from a 30 year old car.
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Derek Martin Vaughan avatar
Derek Martin VaughanflagUSA
Verified Buyer
Jun, Just wanted to let you know I picked up the car from port last week and got it registered in the US without issue. The car seems to be in really good condition and drives perfectly. I'm extremely happy with it. Thank you for the help throughout ... See more
After Delivery Pictures
Brendan avatar
Verified Buyer
25 year rule sucks America
Bartlomiej Borkowski avatar
Bartlomiej BorkowskiflagUSA
Verified Buyer
I got a response in less than 24hrs!
Jeffrey W Stammer avatar
Jeffrey W StammerflagUSA
Verified Buyer
It was alright
Prince De Ment avatar
Prince De MentflagUSA
Verified Buyer
I really wish there were more cars
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