Honda Acty Truck 1984 For Sale
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FAQ about Honda Acty Truck 1984
How much does a used Honda Acty Truck 1984 cost?
The price of Honda Acty Truck 1984 is around $1,493. This doesn’t include the shipping cost to your port.
How to import Honda Acty Truck 1984 from Japan to the USA?
You can follow these easy steps to purchase a Honda Acty Truck 1984 from JDM Export and have it imported to your port in the USA.
What are the import taxes for used cars in the USA?
You should expect to pay 2.5% for a passenger car, and 25% for a truck as the tax of foreign-made vehicles imported to the U.S. This is calculated based on the vehicle price.
User reviews on Honda Acty Truck 1984

Peter Ferraro

Verified Buyer
Hello Jun,
Thank you for your email.
I was traveling and was not able to retrieve the truck until this past monday.
I am really pleased with the ease of purchase and the process with Car From Japan. I will definitely purchase again.
Attached a... See more
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jason larmon

Verified Buyer
Me and my daughter taking our first ride!
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Alexander Wong

Verified Buyer
Thank you for following up, Ms. Jun! Yes I have received the truck and I love it! It arrived in great condition and I was able to complete all the paperwork to get it registered and drive it legally on the roads. I will definitely use Car From Japan ... See more
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Tim Lukacik

Verified Buyer
I picked up the truck from Savannah a couple days ago. It is exactly as pictured. Thank you!

Secure Pack Storage LLC

Verified Buyer
I just wanted to share a pic of my mini truck.
I couldn't be more pleased with both the Acty and the experience that I had working with Car from Japan.
Thanks for your help!
After Delivery Pictures

Josue Pena

Verified Buyer
Hello Ken
I receive the car and I love it
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Verified Buyer
The vehicle ran exactly like the video showed it did the people were friendly and

Brad Forney

Verified Buyer
I got my truck. I am driving it and I'd love it.
I just want to thank you guys so much. You guys are great. I'm gonna tell everybody how good you guys are. Thank you so much.
I really appreciate Mr.Ken. Thank you sir.
I hope to get another vehicle... See more
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Guadalupe Arellano

Verified Buyer
Hi Ken I pick up the Acty thank you for everything.
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Ayden Granados

Verified Buyer
Here are some pics of the truck. Hopefully they went through ok
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